Saturday, July 14, 2007

Beauty of Brutal Life...

Late in a winter night, you are sipping some coffee, tensed, confused, trying to make some rubbish document which you have to present tommorow in a meeting and you are out of words, out of your mind, wandering here and there like a trapped mouse, feeling like a loser. Suddenly you get a glimpse of watchman outside, making out some fire to keep himself warm from the cold, short of woodsticks, the fire will go off anytime, but calm and undisturbed, unperturbed. A wave knocks you from inside and you try to ignore it....but it rises again and this time you dont. You take some old rotten newspapers , put them in a bag, go out, blow up the dying fire again and sit with that watchman for few minutes, talk, laugh, enjoy that small fire in such cold winter night, feel exorbitant amount of energy oozing inside yourself....some induced determination. THAT's IT. You are back in few minutes, back to work but are a new man this time , you are no more have got the way, you can think better and more confidently....ohh, the watchman has given a lesson...'YOU NEVER LOOSE UNTIL YOU STOP FIGHTING'.Thats the beauty of Brutal life.

People around you teach and bless with so many things.Introspection has an other way and thats benevolence.All time you do something good you feel a new force emerging inside, something positiv, positive vibrations. You are standing in a bus from a long hour, no more energy left in you to stand anymore, frustrated of crowding and pushes and then you get a seat suddenly, thank god. After few minutes here comes an old guy and you offer your seat to him. You are standing again but now,its unbelievable, now you are no more tired, more relaxed even in crowding and above anything else happy and calm. Thats the beauty of brutal life.

You are watchng TV for three hours, all craps. a movie, a chat show, some freaky news about guy turning into a ghost at night....u feel sick. Suddenly, you see Leander Paes (an Indian Tennis Player) winning ASIAD gold, medal ceremony, national enthem in background, tears flowing through his induced energy again.It gives you a new determination and a new spark.

I always think where does this energy comes from. You always have fun in teasing people around you and playing pranks, it makes you happy but Why always doing something good makes you more satisfied and calm. I dont think there is any external force behind this, it all lies within. It lies in every heart and it prompts you to do 'what lies inside'.

Whatever it is, I like this and its 'beauty of brutal life' , a profound happiness.

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